Poplar Grove Farm

The Graveyards

There are two private cemeteries located at Poplar Grove Farm, a slave cemetery, and the French-Fitzhugh Family Cemetery.

French-Fitzhugh Graveyard

The first individual buried at the family cemetery was Uriah French in 1862. Members of the French, Fitzhugh, Deming, Helm, Jones, and Staples family are buried in this small private family cemetery, still in use by the family.

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Find A Grave

Read More about the French-Fitzhugh Family Cemetery at Find A Grave

Slave Graveyard

Slaves lived on Poplar Grove Farm from 1830 to 1865. The graves are unmarked, but the cemetery may be the final resting spot of individuals from the Jones, Parker, Day, or Nelson families.

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Poplar Grove Farm Slave Cemetery Survey, 2015

Stafford County commissioned a survey of slave-related locations within the county in 2015. It is referred to in the survey by the unfortunate, inaccurate moniker “Fitzhugh Family Slave Cemetery”. There are no slaves who belonged to the Fitzhugh family buried in the slave cemetery at Poplar Grove Farm, and no slaves named Fitzhugh are buried here either.

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